Come with your family to the anniversary party and pick-up day!
On 9 July 2022, pick up your student ID and T-shirt and celebrate the big anniversary party with us!
Venue: Campus of the University of Vienna, Hof 2, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna
All details can be found here.
Anniversary program 20th Vienna Children’s University
- 15:00 – 18:00 colourful side program:
Media education stations – animal vibrobots – making, programming language and 3D hologram projector (A1)
Recycling Economy (ARA/AGR)
spielebox (wienXtra)
Reading adventure (facultas)
Graffiti workshops with Colin Linde at 15:30, 16:30 and 17:30
Street art and giant soap bubbles to join in with the Buskers from 16:00
Drumming workshop with Raymond Walker from 16:00 - 15:30 Family Lecture 1 with Katharine Sarikakis (DE):
“Can Tik Tok save European democracy?” - 17:00 Family Lecture 2 with Michael Moser & Maiia Moser (DE/UK):
“Finding a common language – znajty spil’nu movu”. - 18:15 Speech with Rector Heinz W. Engel, University of Vienna
- 18:30 Drum performance with Raymond Walker and EsRap
- 19:00 Hip hop concert by the duo EsRap