Children’s University on Tour in Vienna

You won’t only find research and science at the university – the Children’s University on Tour team packs its experiments, makes its way to various districts in Vienna. You can then discover the world of science directly in the park and immerse yourself in exciting research topics. Maybe the Children’s University on Tour will come to your area?!

What can I do there?

Whether you are listening to a lecture, experimenting or even doing your own research project: there are no limits to your questions and your imagination. Find out how an underwater vacuum cleaner works, how you can make something invisible, what remains of your picnic and much more!


So that you don’t have to travel far, the Children’s University on Tour team comes directly to you into the park and stays there 4 days long! Check out the locations and dates in the program.


For research, it’s good if you can already read and write a little. The programme is best suited for children and teenagers between the ages of 6 and 16.

Registration, Costs

You do NOT have to register if you want to take part in the Children’s University on Tour! Just come directly to the place where the Children’s University on Tour is currently taking place. There you’ll get your student ID card and you’re ready to go! By the way: Participation is free of charge!


Program 2024 in Vienna

Tour start at the campus of the University of Vienna: individual appointments for children from refugee facilities

Followed by 5 more tour weeks in various districts of Vienna with Parkbetreuung as cooperation partners:

  • Mon, 22.07. to Thu, 25.07. (4 to 7 pm): Park Blériotgasse, 11th district
    in case of bad weather: Balu&Du overseas container in the park​
    in cooperation with: Balu&Du and mojosa
  • Fri, 26.07. (3 to 6 pm): Water playground Wasserturm, 10th district
    in case of bad weather: water school, water playground Wasserturm
    in cooperation with: City of Vienna – Wiener Wasser
  • Mon, 29.07. to Thu, 01.08. (4 to 7 pm): Reithofferpark, 15th district
    in case of bad weather: club room at JUVIVO.15 (Huglgasse 14/1-6)
    in cooperation with: JUVIVO.15
  • Mon, 05.08. to Thu, 08.08. (4 to 7 pm): Goethehof, 22nd district
    in case of bad weather: wohnpartner Grätzl-Zentrum (Schüttaustraße 1-39/3/R01)
    in cooperation with: wohnpartner and Wiener Kinderfreunde aktiv
  • Mon, 19.08. to Thu, 22.08. (4 to 7 pm): Karl-Seitz-Hof, 21st district
    in case of bad weather: WienZimmer (Jedleseerstraße 66-94/36/R02)
    in cooperation with: Wiener Kinderfreunde aktiv
  • Fri, 23.08. (3 to 6 pm): Water playground Wasserturm, 10th district
    in case of bad weather: water school, water playground Wasserturm
    in cooperation with: City of Vienna – Wiener Wasser
  • Mon, 26.08. to Thu, 29.08. (4 to 7 pm): Herbert-Mayr-Park, 23rd district
    In case of bad weather the program has to be canceled.
    in cooperation with: wohnpartner and Wiener Kinderfreunde aktiv
  • Fri, 30.08. (2 to 3:30 and 4 to 5:30 pm): Vienna Main Library, 7th district
    in cooperation with: Vienna Libraries, City of Vienna – Education and Youth

The tour weeks always have the following theme days:
Monday: body; Tuesday: forces and technology; Wednesday: environmental protection; Thursday: water

Park Blériotgasse, 11th district

Mon, 22.07. to Thu, 25.07. (4 to 7 pm)

Reithofferpark, 15th district

Mon, 29.07. to Thu, 01.08. (4 to 7 pm)

Goethehof, 22nd district

Mon, 05.08. to Thu, 08.08. (4 to 7 pm)

Karl-Seitz-Hof, 21st district

Mon, 19.08. to Thu, 22.08. (4 to 7 pm)

Herbert-Mayr-Park, 23rd district

Mon, 26.08. to Thu, 29.08. (4 to 7 pm)

Water playground Wasserturm, 10th district

Fri, 26.07. and Fri, 23.8. (3 to 6 pm)

Vienna Main Library, 7th district

Fri, 30.08. (2 to 3:30 and 4 to 5:30 pm)

Illustration: Kinder experimentieren im Park